Tag Archive for: AgriSolar

5,000 Sheep to Graze Two Solar Sites in Oregon 

Avangrid, member of the Iberdrola Group, has partnered with a fifth-generation Oregon rancher to graze sheep at two solar farms in Oregon and Washington and launched likely the largest ‘solar grazing’ operation in the region. Solar grazing is a vegetation management method used at solar energy facilities that uses grazing livestock, like sheep, instead of machinery. Sheep are effective at limiting the growth of weeds and vegetation, cutting down on wildfire risks while replacing the use of gas-powered machines.” – Solarpowerworldonline 

Alliant Energy Develops Agrivoltaic Research Project in Iowa 

“Researchers (in Illinois) are piloting how crops such as grains and soybeans used primarily to feed livestock grow with solar panels obstructing their full view of the sun. The counterintuitive practice is called agrivoltaics, a nascent industry that partners solar developers looking for large plots of land and farmers looking to make additional income. 

In just two years and despite physical constraints, initial findings suggest that the sorghum grain could be a promising crop to grow alongside solar panels. Branham said that so far it appears that combining sorghum with solar panels has resulted in a 59% increase in efficiency. And wildlife, including birds and bees, are flocking to the improved habitat.”- wbez 

Solar Grazers Say Grazing Sheep Under Solar Panels Improves Productivity 

“As a flock of about 2,000 sheep graze between rows of solar panels, grazier Tony Inder wonders what all the fuss is about. ‘I’m not going to suggest it’s everyone’s cup of tea,’ he says. ‘But as far as sheep grazing goes, solar is really good.’ 

On Inder’s New South Wales property, a solar farm has increased wool production. It is a symbiotic relationship that the director of the National Renewables in Agriculture Conference, Karin Stark, wants to see replicated across as many solar farms as possible as Australia’s energy grid transitions away from fossil fuels.” – The Guardian 

For several years, NCAT has been highlighting the benefits of agrivoltaics through the AgriSolar Clearinghouse project. And just as there are significant benefits to agrivoltaics, there are also barriers that keep more sites from being developed across the country, such as extra costs for site design, reduced energy production per acre, regulatory issues, and community pushback. In the current environment, it can take a passionate, mission-driven company to lead the way in changing how solar is integrated into agricultural systems. BlueWave is one such company.

BlueWave, a Boston-based solar development company, focuses on agrivoltaic solar projects, helping farmers design and integrate solar energy production on their farmland. One of the most prolific agrivoltaic developers in the country, BlueWave has recently added five more of these sites to their project portfolio, which totals over 91 acres and produces over 19 megawatts (MW) of electricity—enough to power more than 2,500 homes.

BlueWave’s latest series of installations began in 2023 and will be completed this year in four separate towns across Massachusetts. These systems were designed for adaptive dual-use purposes, meaning that a variety of agricultural enterprises can take place under the panels. Collectively, these solar installations represent many major agrivoltaic practices, including vegetable production, hay making, and grazing of sheep and cattle. Also, the forage blends used on the grazing sites include plants that are beneficial for pollinators.

(Caption: The increased height of the panels at this Dighton location allows the farmer to access the land with agricultural equipment. Photo: BlueWave)

One project in Dighton, Massachusetts, encompasses 21 fenced acres with 3.6 MW of installed solar panels that will produce an estimated 5,660 megawatt-hours of energy annually. Battery storage will contribute to the resilience of the electric grid by allowing the installation to provide clean energy to the grid when the sun isn’t shining. The panels here are raised 10 feet off the ground with 25 feet of space between the rows of panel post supports. This spacing will allow for agriculture equipment operation under the panels. BlueWave will be managing this site for the 2024 season, planting cover crops to improve soil health and fertility in preparation for vegetable production on the site. A small section of the land will be used to grow vegetables this year, though the final agricultural use will be determined by the farmer and will be adaptable over the years.

An hour away in the town of Douglas, a very similar solar installation will soon be completed and will be managed by a local farmer. Just over 20 acres was fenced to house 3.4 MW of power production. These panels are also raised and spaced to allow the farmer to maintain and harvest the hay fields below the panels.

A third, slightly smaller BlueWave agrivoltaic site was completed in Haverhill, a town in the far northeastern part of the state. Almost 15 acres were fenced in here with just over 2 MW of solar installed. Again, the panels were raised high enough to allow for grazing or tractor work on the fields

below the panels. A combination of vegetable production and livestock grazing by local farmers is the most likely use for this location.

(Caption: This site in Haverhill, Massachusetts, stands ready for grazing and vegetable production by local farmers. Photo: BlueWave)

On the other side of the state, a 2.4-MW system covering almost 12 acres was developed near the town of Palmer. This system, like the others, is designed for tractor work and large livestock grazing. The site will continue to be used by the landowner, Burgundy Brook Farm, for making hay and to graze cattle. As with the other sites that will see the use of farming equipment under the panels, the solar arrays are elevated, and the support posts are spaced to accommodate equipment and to allow enough sunlight to grow crops and forages under the panels.

A fifth BlueWave installation, also in Palmer, has a more conventional design with the panels closer to the ground and the panel rows closer together. But even here, the plan is for sheep grazing to manage the vegetation under the panels. Solar grazing like this can benefit farmers looking for land to graze their sheep. It can be less costly for the solar site management than hiring a land-management company or landscaper to do the job. And the generous amount of shade provided by the panels has multiple benefits for the sheep herd and the forage being grown. (See the recent ATTRA blog post “Throw Some Shade: Protecting Livestock from Heat Stress.”)

(Caption: Burgundy Brook Farm owns the land at this site in Palmer and will continue to graze cattle and make hay here. Photo: BlueWave)

In a further commitment to support agricultural production, BlueWave provided specialized farm equipment for use at several of these sites. For the site in Dighton, BlueWave has purchased a Carraro 80-hp tractor, a 3-shank chisel plow, a rotary harrow and seeder, a flail mower, and a 3-point to skid-steer adapter plus buckets. They anticipate purchasing an additional cultivating tractor, plastic mulch layer and water wheel transplanter for use on this site. Additionally, BlueWave purchased a John Deere 5425 and a Kuhn baler for Burgundy Brook Farm to use in their hay and grazing operation at the site in Palmer.

Agrivoltaics can help mitigate many of the challenging issues associated with the intense expansion of utility- scale solar development happening across the country. It can keep land in agricultural production while simultaneously producing valuable solar energy for the grid. The shade provided by the solar arrays can help retain soil moisture and improve the growth of many types of crops and forages with reduced irrigation. The shade also reduces heat stress and improves herd health when the land is used for grazing. The financial benefits for the farmer can help keep high-value land as farmland and facilitate the transfer of that land to the next generation. BlueWave understands these possibilities and is creating a space for them with on-the-ground agrivoltaic installations in Massachusetts.

By Stacie Peterson, National Center for Appropriate Technology

Farmworkers are a particularly vulnerable population for heat-related illnesses because they perform manual labor outdoors, in direct sunlight, often in heavy, impermeable work clothing, during the hottest season (Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, 2024; El Khayat et al., 2022; EPA, 1983; Bethel and Harger, 2014). The trend of increasing temperatures globally will lead to an increase in heat-related deaths, heat stroke, and dehydration, as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrovascular disease, particularly in sensitive populations (USGCRP, 2016). The United Federation of Farm Workers has called for workplace protection because farmworkers “are at the frontlines of climate change as extreme heat continues to expose them to more danger” (UFW, 2023). The workplace mortality rate for farmworkers from heat-related illness is 20 times higher than the U.S. civilian working population and this trend is increasing, as shown in Figure 1). A separate study by the National Institute of Health showed agricultural workers suffered heat-related mortality at a rate 35 times higher than all industries in the United States during the 10-year period of 2000 to 2010 (Gubernot et al., 2015).

Figure 1. Mortality Rate of Heat-Related Deaths Among U.S. Crop Workers (CDC, 2008).

In addition to mortality, many farmworkers experience heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heat stress, heat stroke, cramps, and rashes (Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, 2024). Several strategies can successfully alleviate heat stress and mortality. A consistent recommendation is providing farmworkers with access to shade (OSHA, 2023; EPA, 2023). However, farmworkers do not always have consistent access to shade (El Khayat, 2022). Solar arrays could provide this consistent shade, if designed to accommodate farmworkers, with a panel heigh of 6 to 8 feet. The image below shows the thermal image of a farmworker under a solar panel. The worker’s skin temperature is 80.9°F. The outdoor temperature was approximately 90°F.

Thermal image of farm worker under solar panel, showing external body temperature of 80.9°F with outdoor temperature of 90°F.

Heat stress also affects farm animal health. In a study of the thermal comfort and wellbeing experienced by dairy heifers provided solar panel shade, researchers showed that shade provided by the solar panels efficiently relieved heat load on the cattle, cooled off their body surface and skin temperatures by 10.8°F, and decreased the costs of thermoregulation (Faria et al., 2023). A study of heat stress, solar panels, and dairy cattle in Minnesota found a decrease in heat stress in dairy cattle under solar panel shade, corresponding to a decrease in body temperature (Sharpeet al., 2020).

A separate study on heat stress and sheep with access to solar panel shade found a decrease in wool-surface temperature in ewes ranging from 44.6°F to 46.4°F and a decrease in skin temperature of33.8°F to 34.7°F (Fonsêca et al., 2023).

Sheep grazing in the shade of solar panels.

Potential Solar Panel Shade Impacts

While touring agrisolar sites, the AgriSolar Clearinghouse team performed skin temperature readings under solar panels and in full sun. Table 1 shows the consistent decrease in skin temperature throughout the country, ranging from 7.8°F to 20.8°F, and the subsequent photos show infrared reading and skin temperature of a farm worker in Phoenix, Arizona.

Table 1. Skin Temperature Readings in Full Sun and Under Solar Panels

Agrisolar LocationFull Sun Skin Temperature (Fahrenheit)Solar Shade Skin Temperature (Fahrenheit)Skin Temperature Decrease (Fahrenheit)
Lake Pulaski, Minnesota100.580.619.9
Monson, Massachusetts101.393.57.8
Boulder, Colorado90.775.415.3
Butte, Montana101.281.819.4
Phoenix, Arizona100.679.820.8
Champaign, Illinois102.594.18.4
Skin temperature of 100.6°F in direct sunlight in Phoenix, Arizona.

Skin temperature of 79.8°F in the shade of a solar panel in Phoenix, Arizona.

Based on skin temperature tests and animal testing at solar arrays, there is a potential for solar panels to provide shade to farmworkers and help alleviate heat stress. While other farmworker safety measures can and should be incorporated, such as water, rest, and acclimatization, a decrease of 10°F to 20°F could potentially alleviate heat-related illnesses and curb heat-related mortality. Additionally, timing agricultural work to coincide with the full shade of the solar panel and designing panel heights to accommodate farmworkers and animals, meaning a panel height of 6 to 8 feet, would ensure consistent access to the shade and its benefits.


Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs. 2024. Heat Stress Prevention.

Bethel, J., and R. Harger. 2014. Heat-Related Illness among Oregon Farmworkers. (9), 9273-9285. doi:10.3390/ijerph110909273.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2008. Heat-Related Deaths Among Crop Workers—United States, 1992-2006. Jama, 300(9), 1017. doi:10.1001/jama.300.9.1017.

El Khayat M, D.A. Halwani, Hneiny L, Alameddine I, Haidar MA, Habib RR. Impacts of Climate Change and Heat Stress on Farmworkers’ Health: A Scoping Review. 2022. Front Public Health. February 8. 10:782811. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.782811. PMID: 35211437; PMCID: PMC8861180. Doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2023.105998

Faria, Ana Flávia, P.A., Alex S.C. Maia, Gustavo A.B. Moura, Vinícius F.C. Fonsêca, Sheila T. Nascimento, Hugo F.M. Milan, and Kifle G. Gebremedhin. 2023. Use of Solar Panels for Shade for Holstein Heifers Animals, No. 3: 329. doi.org/10.3390/ani13030329

Fonsêca, Vinicius de França Carvalho, Eric de Andrade Culhari, Gustavo André Bernado Moura, Sheila Tavares Nascimento, Hugo Maia Milan, Marcos Chiquitelli Neto, and Alex Sandro Campos Maia. 2023. Shade of solar panels relieves heat load of sheep. Applied Animal Behavior Science. Volume 265,105998, ISSN 0168-1591. Doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2023.105998

Gubernot, D.M., G.B. Anderson, and K.L. Hunting. Characterizing Occupational Heat-Related Mortality in the United States, 2000-2010: An Analysis Using the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries database. 2015. Am J Ind Med. February. 58(2):203-11. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22381. PMID: 25603942; PMCID: PMC4657558.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2023. Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat. DTSEM FS-3743 09/202.

Sharpe, K.T., B.J. Heins, E.S. Buchanan, and M.H. Reese. Evaluation of solar photovoltaic systems to shade cows in a pasture-based dairy herd. J Dairy Sci. 2021 Mar;104(3):2794-2806. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-18821. Epub 2020 Dec 25. PMID: 33358803.

United Farm Workers (UFW). 2023. Farm Workers Demand OSHA Issue Federal Heat Rule.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2023. Preventing Heat Stress in Agriculture.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1983. A Guide to Heat Stress in Agriculture. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). 2016. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. health2016.globalchange.gov/

By Dan Salas, University of Illinois Chicago, Energy Resources Center – Sustainable Landscapes Program

The iconic monarch butterfly faces numerous threats in its migration across North America. Habitat loss, invasive species, pesticide use effects, disease, drought, and changing temperatures have collectively squeezed a vice of stressors on monarch butterfly populations. At the same time, the U.S. is undergoing a great energy transition towards renewable energy. Development of large utility-scale solar and other renewable energy projects is transforming landscapes in some parts of the country.

What will this energy transformation mean for pollinators like the monarch butterfly? That largely depends on the landscape change it brings. Fortunately, this changing landscape has given birth to a new form of land use: agrivoltaics. Agrivoltaics is the coupling of energy generation and agricultural production and can be represented by a mix of land uses that produce on-farm income, like grazing, crop production, or honeybee hive management. Agrivoltaics may also include ecovoltaics which often refers to establishing pollinator habitat. Such pollinator habitat can also benefit on-farm yields in surrounding croplands[1].

Can Solar Energize the Monarch Migration?

The Solar Futures Study[2] published in 2021 by the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that as much as 10.2 million acres may be required for solar development to achieve the 2050 renewable energy targets. Incorporating agrivoltaics into these changing lands can help diversify agricultural economies, reduce pesticide use, and increase pollinator habitat. But can these lands also help fuel the monarch migration?

The monarch butterfly population has undergone severe declines since the 1980s. This past winter (2023-2024) reported the second lowest populations for eastern monarch butterflies since they have been measured[3]. As noted, these declines are the result of a combination of factors, chief among them habitat loss and degradation. Loss of habitat reduces the butterflies’ resilience to other stressors, such as pesticide use, severe weather, and drought.

Pollinator Habitat Can be Risky Business

While greatly needed, creating pollinator habitat can be risky business for solar operators. But it’s not the potential for stinging insects that draws concern; statistically speaking, people have a better chance of dying from catastrophic storms than from a bee sting[6].

Rather, providing habitat to species at risk of extinction, while noble and beneficial, may unintentionally result in increased regulatory restrictions and operational limitations on a site operator. A species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (or comparable tribal or state regulations) can add time, cost, and complexity to managing land and maintaining facilities over the life of a project.

Rewarding a Helping Hand

For this reason, the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, facilitated by the University of Illinois Chicago’s (UIC) Sustainable Landscapes Program, created a conservation agreement known as the Monarch CCAA (Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances). This agreement promotes upfront commitments to sustain or create habitat for the monarch butterfly. In exchange, companies receive regulatory assurances that no additional endangered species regulations will be required in recognition of their proactive conservation commitments.

This prospect has motivated solar developers and owners to consider enrolling in the program. Since its authorization in 2020, the program has resulted in over one million acres of monarch habitat commitments across the U.S. While being the largest voluntary conservation agreement in the U.S., it still requires more enrollment to achieve the levels of conservation needed for the butterfly. Previous studies have suggested that millions of acres of monarch habitat are required to achieve levels of conservation needed to avoid the threat of the migratory butterfly population’s extinction[7].

Biodiversity and wildlife habitat have been marginalized (literally) along field edges, fencerows, roadsides, and utility corridors. The Monarch CCAA offers energy and transportation land managers a chance to demonstrate commitments for monarch conservation, biodiversity net gain, and support for recovering other at-risk species.

Solar companies considering enrollment are encouraged to review resources available on the Monarch CCAA Toolkit[8], including enrollment guidance, webinars, and the application form. Contact UIC’s Sustainable Landscapes team with additional questions at dsalas4@uic.edu.

Learn More About the Monarch CCAA

The Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group at the University of Illinois-Chicago led a national collaborative effort to develop a voluntary conservation agreement to provide habitat for the monarch butterfly. The effort is unprecedented in terms of its cross-sector participation and geographic extent. The agreement spans the entire contiguous 48 states and is helping agencies and companies transform their vegetation management to benefit wildlife in need. Learn more at rightofway.erc.uic.edu/national-monarch-ccaa/.

About the University of Illinois Chicago Sustainable Landscapes Program

The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Energy Resources Center is home to the Sustainable Landscapes Program and the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which convenes people at the intersection of biodiversity and infrastructure.

[1] Pollinator habitat near soybean fields was found to have a positive effect on insect visitation and soybean yield. See Levenson et al. 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107901, and Garibaldi et al. 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2021.03.013.

[2] Read more at energy.gov/sites/default/files/2021-09/Solar%20Futures%20Study.pdf.

[3] Read more at worldwildlife.org/stories/eastern-migratory-monarch-butterfly-populations-decrease-by-59-in-2024.

[4] Check out our online map of native seed vendors and specialists at: rightofway.erc.uic.edu/resources/seed-expert-map/.

[5] See Walston et al. 2024, iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad0f72; Levenson et al. 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107901; and Garibaldi et al. 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2021.03.013.

[6] From injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/.

[7] See Thogmartin et al. 2017, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aa7637

[8] See rightofway.erc.uic.edu/working-group-access/monarchccaatoolkit.

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Across the country, farmers, landowners, researchers, and solar companies are working together to harvest the sun twice: once with crops, honey, pollinators, and forage for grazing animals, and again with solar panels. This co-location of solar and agriculture is known as agrisolar or agrivoltaics. In Harvesting the Sun, the leading voices of the agrivoltaic movement come together to share their stories and shine a light on a climate solution that can increase farm profitability, save valuable water, improve the soil, provide shade for farm workers, develop valuable ecosystem services, and increase the resiliency of rural communities. 

If you would like to contribute to NCAT’s development of an Agrisolar Center to continue this work, contact us at agrisolar@ncat.org.

By Savannah Crichton, University of Alaska Fairbanks 

Southcentral Alaska is home to the state’s first agrivoltaics project, a study that aims to uncover the best practices for harvesting from both land and sun. The research team will monitor both farmed crops and native berry plants that grow between the rows of panels at an operational solar PV array.  The solar array is situated in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, where the majority of Alaska’s farmland is located.  

The project, Agrivoltaics: Unlocking Mid-Market Solar in Rural Northern Climates, is a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO).  

In 2023, solar developer and project partner Renewable IPP (RIPP) built an 8.5-megawatt solar array in Houston, Alaska, which was financed by diversified clean energy company, CleanCapital. This array is classified as mid-market solar–the middle ground between commercial solar projects and large-scale (>100MW+) utility solar. RIPP sells the electricity produced at this site to Matanuska Electric Association, the regional utility.  

Ribbon cutting at the solar array in Houston, Alaska. 

At northern latitudes, the sun hits the earth at a lower angle, causing solar panels to shade each other during sunrises and sunsets. To maximize energy production and avoid shading, solar developers may increase row spacing. With intentional design and wider rows, there’s ample land open between these rows for foraging or farming. 

The new Houston array is situated on a berry stand well known to local berry pickers. Drawing from their previous solar farm development experience, RIPP intentionally found a way to minimize the environmental impact of solar construction and increase community acceptance by maintaining as much of the native vegetation as possible. Some of the boreal species growing onsite include willow, alder, birch, moss, fireweed, labrador tea, bog blueberry, and lingonberry. The latter two are edible berry species that carry meaningful value to Alaska Native cultures and are prized by many in Alaska’s summer months.  

Instead of aggressive clearing methods that level land and remove certain ecological services, a low-mulching protocol was used to preserve topsoil and low-growing woody shrubs. Native low-growing species, like berries, can continue to grow and sequester carbon. If nutrient-rich soil is left intact, solar developers leave options open for the development of agrivoltaic applications to co-locate their array with food production.  

Blueberry bushes growing on the solar site. 

That’s exactly what a team of researchers at UAF from the Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP) and the Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension (IANRE) intend to study. UAF is one of six projects funded under the Foundational Agrivoltaic Research for Megawatt Scale (FARMS) program to conduct research on agrivoltaic opportunity for their communities.  

Principal Investigator Christopher Pike from ACEP and co-investigators Glenna Gannon and Jessie Young-Robertson pulled together an interdisciplinary team of engineers, farmers, and solar experts. The research team is joined by Alaska Pacific University (APU) Spring Creek Farm Manager and project co-investigator Benjamin Swimm,and RIPP founders Jenn Miller and Chris Colbert.  

Under the mission to bolster food and energy security, the team will measure both solar PV production and physiological health of crops over two growing seasons, develop a techno-economic analysis to guide future mid-market solar PV and agriculture projects, and connect with the community through educational programming.  

CEO and Manager of Renewable IPP Jenn Miller speaks to crowd at the solar farm. 

In the first few months of the project, the team compiled a diverse stakeholder pool of northern and Alaska-based landowners, farmers, utilities, solar developers, tribal organizations, academic researchers, and environmental agencies. Through individual outreach, team networks, and local events, over 200 people signed up to participate in a stakeholder needs assessment survey.  

The survey was distributed to evaluate stakeholder perspectives towards agrivoltaics in rural northern contexts. In addition to this data, the team will conduct a techno-economic analysis to understand the economic conditions in Alaska that may create hurdles or opportunities for those interested in developing agrivoltaic systems.  

The contributions from the stakeholder survey and follow-up interviews will inform the project’s agricultural research plans and economic analysis. Broadly, this input helps the team understand community acceptance and potential adoption of multi-use solar farms while also adding color to the picture of food and energy security in rural, northern regions.  

Preparation of the agricultural research plots at the Houston array will begin in summer 2024. The acidic silt loam soil will be amended with lime and compost in plot locations to make them more amenable to agricultural growth.  

With the soils tilled, planting will begin in summer 2025. A combination of popular commercial vegetables and animal forage crops will be planted and monitored throughout the growing season for their productivity both inside and outside the solar array.  

Crops at northern latitudes undergo unique challenges, like cool growing seasons and high solar radiation loads. Because of these unique conditions, some crops grown under solar PV arrays may experience improved productivity, while other crops that are usually productive in the rural north may not perform as well.  

Gannon, Young-Robertson, and ACEP research professional Savannah Crichton will coordinate the collection of plant physiology data of the agricultural crops, as well as the existing blueberry and lingonberry plants. Leaf-level physiological measurements of photosynthesis, transpiration, water use, and stress help define the dimensions of health in plants. These measurements will allow the team to understand the impact that fixed solar modules and increased shade have on the plants’ overall health, crop yield, and produce quality.

Close-up of the blueberries growing on-site.

Likewise, Pike and ACEP research engineer Henry Toal will monitor the solar power production and gauge the impact of farming activities on the array’s operation and maintenance costs. Weaving together qualitative, economic, physiological, and electrical data will allow the team to evaluate the feasibility of agrivoltaic systems in the north.  

Rural households in Alaska spend nearly 27% of their annual income on energy expenses, and around 95% of Alaska’s non-subsistence food supply is imported. If an agrivoltaic model works in Alaska, it could be a major breakthrough for increasing food and energy security in the state. The impacts of this research have significant potential value, not just for solar developers and farmers, but for entire communities.  

If you’d like to learn more about the project, visit our website or email Savannah at sgcrichton@alaska.edu.  

The research is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Award # DE-EE0010442. 

Farmers Across America Chase Stable Returns 

Farmers are increasingly embracing solar as a buffer against volatile crop prices and rising expenses. Their incomes are heading for a 26% slide this year, the biggest drop since 2006, as cash receipts for corn, soy and sugar cane are expected to drop by double-digit percentages.  

The shift is a big part of the renewables push in the US: The American Farmland Trust estimates that 83% of expected future solar development will take place on agricultural soil.” – bloomberg.com 

Agrisolar Market Forecast to be Worth $10.64 Billion by 2033 

“The Brainy Insights estimates that the USD 2.98 billion Agrivoltaics market will reach USD 10.64 billion by 2033. Increased government initiatives to boost R&D in agrivoltaics is one major factor that may create lucrative opportunities for agrivoltaics devices in the market. Governments across the globe have undergone tremendous initiatives to boost investments and increase subsidies in the market. To achieve net-zero carbon emissions the government across the globe is undergoing a renewable fuel-based economy.” – finance.yahoo.com 

US Farms with Solar Have Tripled Since 2013 

“Solar panels are gaining popularity across U.S. fields. In fact, there are now three times as many farms with solar installations compared to 2012. 

In 2012, a little more than 36,000 U.S. farms had them installed. By 2017, that number had jumped to more than 90,000. In 2022, it shot up to nearly 120,000. 

Successful Farming found some producers were being offered as much as $1,000 per acre to lease land for solar. While crops can net that much, the panels do not require any input costs like seed and fertilizer.” – rfdtv.com 

In this explainer video, AgriSolar Clearinghouse Director Stacie Peterson offers up five things to know about agrisolar and crops.

In this explainer video, AgriSolar Clearinghouse Director Stacie Peterson offers up five things to know about agrisolar and grazing.