This research delves into the nuanced dynamics influencing photocurrent generated in bifacial photovoltaic modules within the framework of agrovoltaic applications.

This article presents a comprehensive review of the fundamental parameters that underpin agrivoltaic systems. Focusing on the latest research, this review examines the challenges and opportunities intrinsic to the implementation of agrivoltaic energy systems, paying particular attention to the various parameters that contribute to their performance. These parameters encompass a range of factors such as heat islands, shading factors, and surface energy budget. The review underscores the importance of considering a diverse array of parameters when developing agrivoltaic energy systems to optimize their efficiency and effectiveness.

his work simulates the behavior of solar irradiance and its interaction with photovoltaic panels and the crop, as well as possible shading, in a photovoltaic plant to study its potential reconversion into an agrivoltaic installation.

This study aims to compare two agrivoltaic systems (stilted and vertical bifacial) from cradle-to-gate with the life cycle assessment method using a system expansion approach. Further, an unmodified agricultural production and total substitution of the latter by photovoltaic-modules (photovoltaic-scenario) are assessed.

This study investigates the use of a foldable solar panel system equipped with a dynamic tracking algorithm for agrivoltaics system (AVS) applications. It aims to simultaneously meet the requirements for renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.

This study simulates the energy production, crop productivity and water consumption impacts of agrivoltaic array design choices in arid and semi-arid environments in the Southwestern region of the United States.

A key challenge in agrivoltaic research involves identifying technologies applicable to a wide range of plant species and diverse geographic regions. This document addresses the adoption of a multi-experimental and multi-species approach to assess the viability of semi-transparent, spectrally selective thin-film silicon PV technology.

This study discusses the development of a wood-based PV vertical racking design, created to help overcome cost barriers present with commercially available vertical racks. This design is constructed with domestic renewable and sustainable materials, buildable by the average farmer, has a 25-year lifetime that aligns with most PV warranties, and follows Canadian building codes to weather high wind speeds and heavy snow loads.

This paper highlights the higher annual solar irradiation incident of single-axis N-S trackers installed on sloping terrain, as compared to horizontal ones. Researchers showcase the results of a year-long experiment in which a N-S aligned single-axis tracker prototype was used in Gijón, Spain. The experimental results confirm the trends in the formulas and simulations. Finally, theoretical values for the energy gain for different slopes, at locations over the northern hemisphere between latitudes of 6◦ and 60◦ are provided. These gains can reach values up to 13.5%.

Commercial proprietary vertical racks cost more than all types of conventional PV farm racking solutions. To overcome these cost barriers, this study reports on the development
of a new wood-based PV racking design.